Tuesday, October 09, 2012

Taliban guns down teen girl for advocating education

ISLAMABAD, Pakistan — A 14-year-old Pakistani student who won international acclaim for speaking out for girls barred from school by the Taliban was critically wounded Tuesday by a gunman who boarded her school bus, asked for her by name, aimed his pistol at her head and fired, officials said.

The Pakistani Taliban asserted responsibility for the attack on ninth-grader Malala Yousafzai, who gained notice in early 2009 when she wrote a diary about Taliban atrocities under a pen name for the BBC’s Urdu service. Yousafzai lives in Mingora, a city in the scenic northwestern Swat valley, where Taliban insurgents imposed harsh Islamic law for two years before being routed by a major military operation in May 2009.
Read the rest here.

These people are barbarians. That said what goes on in Pakistan is not our government's business.

1 comment:

  1. The Pakistani government needs to exercise the foresight of the Afrikaaner government: dismantle the nukes before somebody else gets the keys to the place.

    The term that comes to mind for me is 'savages.'


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