Monday, October 01, 2012

The Ochlophobist Dissents

Not surprisingly our favorite Catholic-Marxist took a different view than your humble blogger of the Pontifical High Mass celebrated by the newly minted Archbishop Salvatore Cordileone who is to be installed in San Francisco later this week. And I have to admit his main point was not unreasonable. The venue for this event reeked of elitism. I will be more impressed if he does this at least occasionally in his new cathedral where people won't be hit up for thousands of dollars to get in.

Some of the complaints though seemed a tad nitpicky. OK so there were some moments when it looked like not everyone knew by heart the exact rubrics of the liturgy. Come on! How long has it been since Roman Catholic clergy were trained in the traditional liturgical rites of their church? How many priests much less bishops have ever participated in or even witnessed a solemn high mass from the throne?

I didn't see anything that looked like it was being done horribly wrong. And in fact it reminded me of hierarchical liturgies celebrated at my former parish in Merced. It's not an everyday occurrence. The bishop usually brought a subdeacon to serve as the discreet master of ceremonies who made sure everyone was where they were supposed to be at the time they were supposed to be there.


  1. The spa treatment is appropriate for wanna-be Anglo-Caths.

  2. A mere quibble, AO. It was actually Pontifical Mass at the Faldstool, not the Throne. Perhaps due to the limited space, the required additional deacons parati, or his lack of ordinary jurisdiction (?) prior to his installation. Still a glorious spectacle!

  3. Ordo Antiquus10/02/2012 11:14 AM

    I don't understand why this is getting so much play either. And I'm a Trad! There were plenty of Traditional Pontifical Masses in the first 3 years after Summorum Pontificum, but they have actually decreased since 2010.


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