Sunday, October 07, 2012

The San Francisco Chapter of the Democratic Party at Prayer is Throwing a Fit

That alleged snub referenced in an earlier post of the Episcopal Bishop of California (really SF) by the Roman Catholics at the installation of their new archbishop is still generating all kinds of commentary. Some of which is just off the scale idiocy (see this comment by an ex-TEO bishop). Personally I think the whole thing was an honest screw up. I would prefer to think that he really was snubbed, because frankly he deserved to be. But I just don't see the Catholics being that in your face in expressing their displeasure.

In any case here is a memo to "bishop" Andrus in the form of an old expression I picked up in the Navy. I am cleaning this up a bit since the original was a little salty. But here's the gist ...

One does not urinate on the welcome mat and then expect to be received as an honored guest.

MCJ has been keeping tabs on this business. Read the last four or five posts if you are not sure what the stink is all about.


  1. I seem to recall that after Schori was installed and Rowan made his periodic trip to Rome, +Benedict kept him cooling his heels for an hour and then had a public (not private) audience with him. +Benedict's message, shorn of churchspeak was get your s--- together. I don't think Rowan has been back to Rome since.

    It's possible Andrus was being sent a message, or the ushers decided to administer some good old-fashioned lay justice. Or just a misunderstanding and tight schedule.

  2. LV/ Miss Sippi10/07/2012 10:45 PM

    I pretty much get all my Episcopal news from MCJ these days. Go get 'em Chris!!
    Noticed that Bp. Andrus has an appalling lack of knowledge of the Orthodox for somebody in his position, since he assumed the Orthodox clergy present would take communion.

  3. I lean towards 'honest screw-up' too; I don't think Bishop Andrus is as important to the local Catholics as he thinks he is. (As I wrote at MCJ I don't know who most of the local mainline honchos are here or even who the president of the Southern Baptist Convention is.) But I like 'lay justice' too. He deserved it for the reason our host described.

  4. "he deserved it". Depressingly rare to find Christian comments on blogs that frame themselves as Christian. No exceptions today I see.


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