Friday, November 09, 2012


November 8, 2012 – The Synodal Biblical-Theological Commission met for a plenary session at the conference hall of the Moscow Patriarchate’s department for external church relations. It was chaired by Metropolitan Hilarion of Volokolamsk, chairman of the Commission.

Among the participants in the session were Archbishop Yevgeny of Vereia, chairman of the Education Committee and rector of the Moscow theological schools; Bishop Amvrosy of Gatchina, rector of St. Petersburg Theological Academy, as well as Hegumen Philaret (Bulekov) and Archpriest Nikolay Balashov, DECR vice-chairmen.

The Commission considered a draft document on the Moscow Patriarchate’s Position on Primacy in the Universal Church prepared by the Commission’s secretariat and submitted to the Commission in pursuance of the Holy Synod Resolution of March 27, 2007.

After making some amendments to the draft, the Commission adopted it for submission to the Holy Synod for action.


  1. What does this mean? What will be done with this document? Is this significant?

  2. It has been forwarded to the Holy Synod. There it may be shelved, amended or accepted as is. I suspect that if it ever sees the light of day under the stamp of the Holy Synod that it may well be among the more significant documents produced in a while.

  3. Very interesting and, I hope, productive. Metropolitan Hilarion has spoken in various fora of the need for the Orthodox Church to come to a common understanding of Primacy for themselves.

    On a tangential note, are there any Russian commissions, boards, conferences, study groups that Met. Hilarion does not chair? He certainly seems to have his hands full.

  4. I doubt there'll be any surprises here - the Russian Orthodox Church's stance on primacy within the Catholic Church is well known.

    Metropolitan Hilarion is the rising star in the hierarchy - unless something untoward becomes public (and even if something does perhaps) he'll no doubt end up patriarch...

  5. Jon Marc, can you please tell us what the MP's stance actually is, for us less learned readers?


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