Saturday, November 10, 2012

LA Adds Another Meatless Day

So the liberal wienies in LA have now decreed that Monday's shall be meatless. This of course just further demonstrates the complete lack of sensitivity that liberals have. If they had given it even a few moments of thought they would have realized that a solid majority of their citizens are Hispanic, who are overwhelmingly Roman Catholic. Observant Catholics already abstain from meat on Fridays. And of course those of us on the other side of the Bosporus don't eat meat on Wednesdays and Fridays. Minimal reflection might have suggested that Friday would be a good day if they must use the government to try and regulate our diet.

But really the uptake of all of this is that the citizens of Los Angeles pay each of the 15 members of their city council $178,789  per year to tell them they should not eat meat on Mondays.

Our country has gone barking mad.


  1. If they weren't equally obnoxious to Christians, it'd be discrimination.

  2. Who would want to abstain from anything fun on Fridays unless they were Catholic or Orthodox?

  3. When Republicans do something like this, they cry out that they are 'legislating morality.'

  4. When Republicans do something like this, they cry out that they are 'legislating morality.'

    And they usually are. I loath governmental busybodies from either the right or the left. Speaking of which I just heard that Roy Moore the GOP's favorite Dominionist, was just re-elected Chief Justice of the Alabama Supreme Court from which he was booted for refusing to bey a Federal court order to remove his 10 commandments display from the courthouse.

  5. Apparently, low-carbers don't count.

  6. Totally agree. It's nuts.

  7. I had trouble downloading the pdf of the resolution, but it appears that they are promoting vegetarian eating and not just meatless. I have been to some fish fries and folks pigging out on fried fish isn't good either for their health or the environment.

    Hopefully, it will stay as just promoting and not forcing.

  8. How apropos for the City of Angels to observe the angelic fast of fasting also on Mondays!


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