Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Update # 2

I'm home now and taking it very easy and slow. Today is the first day I felt like heading over to Starbucks to check email and such so apologies for any delayed email responses. Blogging will be sporadic at best for at least another week. Still pretty tender but I am not in agony anymore and I can move around without the urge to scream... most of the time. Next big day is Tuesday of next week when I get the 8" zipper I have in my stomach removed. Metal staples are frankly a bit unsightly and I look like someone used me for special effects training in a B horror movie. It sucks that I am without an internet connection right now especially with everything going on. There is tons of bloggable subject matter out there but I just am not up to going out that much right now and with another trip back east in the future I am holding off on the ISP connection until I get back. Thanks again for all of the prayers. They are deeply appreciated.


  1. God bless, John. Concentrate on getting well.

  2. I'm in awe of your capacity for good humor! We'll pray our good God will continue to bless you and heal you. It is such good news that you are feeling better!

  3. You still have our prayers, John! Perhaps twas foreknown and foreordained that your internet became less than accessible at this moment of life--the Lord knows!

  4. Hang in there and know there are so many prayers ascending for you.

  5. Just get better! And know that you are loved.

  6. Prayers continue. But it is good to hear that you are on the mend. I am sure I am not the only one looking forward to your return to frequent and thought-provoking commentary.


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