Thursday, February 07, 2013

Moscow Patriarchate: progress in relations with Catholics, increased distances with Protestants

Moscow (AsiaNews) - Relations between the Russian Orthodox and Catholic Church in recent years are experiencing a " positive trend," due to the "clear recognition of the need to join forces in defence of traditional Christian values ​​and counter some threats of modernity, such as the 'aggressive secularism which threatens the moral basis of social and private life, the crisis of family values ​​and the persecution and discrimination of Christians in the world".  This overview of inter-Christian dialogue, and in particular with the Catholic Church, was given by the Patriarch of Moscow, Kirill, as he opened the Council of Bishops of the Russian Orthodox Church on February 2nd.

In his speech, published on the Patriarchate website, Kirill recalled some of the events in ecumenical dialogue with Catholics. Among these, the work of the the Joint International Commission for Theological Dialogue between the Orthodox Church and the Roman Catholic Church, that aims to outline "a common position on a number of topical issues including family, church and state relations, the moral and spiritual reasons for the economic crisis. "
Read the rest here.

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