Thursday, February 14, 2013

OK, I'm not Catholic. But I like Fr. Z's take on recent events. I note the late Patriarch Pavle of blessed memory who lived into his 90's. He was old and infirm. In the last years he was confined to a wheelchair and could not travel. Others took over those duties for him. But he was a living saint and the Serbs would not let him go. When he tendered his resignation to the Holy Synod they refused to accept it even though he could no longer perform the public duties of his office or celebrate the liturgy.

1 comment:

  1. The same was true of our deceased Patriarch Maxim, who died days after his 98th birthday. Patriarchs are subject to some degree to the sihes of the synod. Here is no one in the Roman system to counter a papa decision.


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