Monday, February 11, 2013

The next Pope...

Lots of speculation out there. Let me throw out a name I haven't read yet... Antonio Cardinal Cañizares.


  1. Bob Glassmeyer2/12/2013 10:46 AM

    If I could work my will, I would pick Raymond Cardinal Burke. Will there ever be an American as Bishop of Rome, I wonder?

    Whoever it is, I would hope for a number of things, to wit; reaffirming the title of Patriarch of the West; promoting an even more "wide and generous application" of the Extraordinary Form of the Holy Mass; better relations with Orthodox Christians; and VISITING THE PONTIFICAL COLLEGE JOSEPHINUM! I went to this seminary, it is directly linked to the Holy See, and both Benedict and John Paul didn't go to their own school!

    Instead of spending tons of money on baseball stadium hootenanny masses, why not visit the US's only Pontifical seminary, set an example for the seminarians, and promote their vocations!

    I've got nothing against Christians of other communions, or other religions, but the next Pope needs to quit trying to placate everyone, and get into fuller and healthier relations with the brothers and sisters the RCC was once in full communion with!

  2. LOL, I live across the street from that seminary, and I never realized what exactly its import was until a few weeks ago. Apparently, if the Vatican ever gets blown to smitherines, it becomes the new temporary HQ (dare I say, a sort of "Vatican 2"?).

  3. "get into fuller and healthier relations with the brothers and sisters the RCC was once in full communion with!"

    Wow. Were you sleeping during the pontificate of both John Paul II or Benedict XVI (esp. Benedict XVI)?

  4. Bob Glassmeyer2/12/2013 12:11 PM

    Hi, Catholic Scoob!

    Sometimes I'm a little slow on the uptake. Part of it is if I get to close to the situation, I tend to get cynical and sarcastic, which is not good.

    I just hope good things keep happening, and that things aren't abolished with a new pope's stroke of a pen.

  5. Antonio Cardinal Cañizares is at the top of my list, too, as was Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger last time. Cañizares is called "Little Ratzinger," and would definitely keep the liturgical renaissance of Benedict XVI going.

  6. How about Cardinal Peter Turkson to fulfill St. Malachy's prophecy!

  7. CatholicScoob2/13/2013 12:00 PM

    No problem, Bob.

    Yes, Cañizares FTW! Though me saying that means he won't be selected.

  8. Yes, Cañizares FTW! Though me saying that means he won't be selected.

    That's what I said, too, back in 2005, and we still got Ratzinger! With God all things are possible.

  9. If the College were cranially full-bodied, it'd elect an Orthodox Pope. Other than hoodwinking us (like the Unia) into forgetting about the filioque, the RCC's only chance for reunion would lay in an administrative unity's providing a basis for working out a theological unity.

    The sheer freakishness of a Turkish Pope Bart appeals to me.


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