Friday, March 15, 2013

From the Rumor Mill: Has spring cleaning started in Rome?

There are conflicting reports as to what exactly happened or is in the process of happening. That said it appears that during his visit on day 1 of his reign to the Basilica of St. Mary in Rome, Pope Francis bumped into Cardinal Bernard Law formerly of Boston. It goes without saying that His Eminence departed his post under a cloud and is likely the only man in Boston more unpopular than Bill Buckner. In any event he went into what I think could be fairly described as voluntary exile and was given a cushy post as dean of the aforementioned basilica.

With the arrival of the new Pope yesterday (who came to venerate and pray before a famed icon of the Theotokos) Law made what some are calling a discreet appearance to greet the new pontiff. This is where the reports start to diverge. According to the Holy See there was a brief exchange of words and nothing more.

However other sources, including in the Italian press for what that's worth, are reporting that Francis told Card. Law that he was not to enter the basilica again and that arrangements would quickly be made for new accommodations, in a cloistered monastery.


HT: Deacon Paul


  1. Wow! It would be nice to see a Pope who runs things that way!

  2. Gosh, I'm honoured to be mentioned in despatches!

    The original article was in Il Fatto Quotidiano, the Italian daily. I can't find it now. However it is referenced here:
    and here:

    The Vatican is being its usual tight-lipped self probably out of habit. I suspect that they are going to have a difficult time getting used to the new Pope and his style. I hope he brings them to heel rather than the other way around. Since he's a Jesuit, I suspect he might win. :)

    I know that it is very early days yet, but I am beginning to think that he is precisely what the Roman Catholic Church, and Christendom in general, needs.

  3. "is likely the only man in Boston more unpopular than Bill Buckner"

    Oh, man. Matushka and I not only lived in the Boston area, but had become huge fans in our own way.

    I feel sorry, though, for Buckner. Law, on the other hand, is not such a sympathetic character -- far from it. When we were there (in the '80s), Law was the tough conservative who was supposed to fix things.

    That's betrayal, and a lot more (of course) was at stake than a world series. (As enormously embarrassing as that was, esp. since I was from LA.) Sigh.

  4. The report has now been denied:


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