Sunday, March 31, 2013

Happy Easter

A blessed feast to those celebrating Easter on the Roman Catholic calendar.


  1. And may your 40 days be blessed, as well!

  2. Have a nice long wait to celebrate. You Orthodox sure don't know anything about historical, biblical accuracy. The Eastern fear of so-called 'Judaizers' is laughable. The Western Churches may not get it correct all the time but they are a lot closer than the Eastern Churches.
    Too funny.

  3. Wow, Matthew, that's a really impolite way to answer someone who has wished you a blessed Feast. Our Easter falls on the same day next year, and is a week apart the year after that. What nasty, rude remark will you make then?

  4. Thank you, John! And I hope your Great Lent goes quickly for your celebration.

  5. Matthew,

    A little knowledge is a very dangerous thing. You obviously don't know that many Eastern Rite Catholics follow the same paschalion, as did the Roman Church until the advent of the Gregorian Calendar. Wise counsel: engage brain before you write! And a happy Easter to you!

  6. Let us remember that the autonomous Church of Finland (Ecumenical Patriarchate) celebrates Easter according to the Gregorian calendar, and that by the law of the land that regards Easter as a national holiday.


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