Thursday, March 07, 2013

This is just sick

Crystal Kelley got paid $22,000 to have a baby. But that wasn’t the only offer the 29-year-old Connecticut mother of two received. After an utrasound at 21-weeks revealed significant medical issues, the parents offered her $10,000 more if she agreed to an abortion.

The gross immorality of that second offer tells us that there is a lot wrong with the first arrangement. It is intolerable that our society continues to put up with an unregulated, free market in hiring cash-starved women to make babies.
Read the rest here.

It gets worse, much worse.


  1. The gross immorality of that second offer tells us that there is a lot wrong with the first arrangement.

    Agree completely, and these awful scenarioes are getting more common as more women delay pregnancy only to find that age and biological fitness, not their personal preferences, are what drive 'reproductive choice.'

  2. Thank God the surrogate mom stood up and said that no, she was going to have this baby, keep your money.

  3. Apparently the surrogate mom asked for 5K more than she got offered in order to go along with dismembering the infant growing inside of her. She only balked because they held the offer at 10K. The love of money is something else, eh?


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