Saturday, May 25, 2013

Britain: The Lords Stand Against Populist Tyranny

Lords from all main political parties will unite next week in a last-ditch attempt to block the Government’s introduction of gay marriage.

Peers expect the Upper’s House debate over same sex weddings will go through the night or even into a second day, with a key vote that could scupper the policy regarded as “too close to call”.

The former head of the British army Lord Dannatt and Lord Lothian, a former Conservative Party chairman better known as Michael Ancram, are amongst those set to criticise the draft legislation in next Monday’s session.

Other opponents will include Lord Waddington, a former Home Secretary, Lord Luce, who served as a minister in Baroness Thatcher’s government, and Lord Singh of Wimbledon, a respected figure in the Sikh community.

The Sunday Telegraph has also established that the senior Tory Baroness Warsi, a practising Muslim, refused to lead the bill through the House of Lords when asked to do so by David Cameron, the Prime Minister.

Some peers believe dozens [of] Lords who rarely attend Parliament will flock to Westminster to make their position on homosexual marriage clear.
Read the rest here.

One wonders, is this the last gasp of the House of Lords? This latest and most vulgar expression of populist tyranny is the best argument in years for why we need an unelected component in government that can say "No, you can't have this because it's a bad idea" to the people. Thank God for the Peerage and confusion to all forms of damnable Whiggery!


  1. Who made all of these 'Lords" and "Baronesses" and etc;? Are they who they are by "nature" or are they just created, so to speak, by fiat from an elected government?

  2. We have one too, it's called the Supreme Court. But what do you do when that body is the one with bad ideas?


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