Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Trouble in the SSPX?

I am not sure what to make of this. Damian Thompson is a well respected columnist who does have a clue about matters Catholic. But the source he is citing strikes me as questionable. Don't get me wrong, I have long held the view that Williamson is several fries short of a Happy Meal. But I seriously doubt that this watchdog group that supposedly keeps an eye on the lunatic right has a serious grasp of Catholic ecclesiology or the internal politics within the SSPX. Absent some more details, my guess is that this may just be a plot to set up yet another schismatic splinter group. And while Williamson is without a shadow of a doubt an anti-Semitic Holocaust denier who attracts others of a similar ilk, I think they are overstating his influence. Yes there is a nasty undercurrent within the society but it is not as open as Williamson and his crowd.

Ultimately I agree with Thompson's conclusions. The SSPX had their chance but that ship has now sailed. Their mentality (though they heatedly deny it) is basically that they are the Church and Rome needs to run up the white flag. They have been on their own for too long. I doubt they will ever reconcile with Rome. And their baggage is such that the Holy See would be better off just ignoring them.


  1. Yes, I saw the same article. While I have no doubt the people Thompson cites are exaggerating the influence and character of the extreme political party within the SSPX, I'd imagine there's some fire behind the smoke. Williamson has a significant following, and may certainly be trying to figure out a way to take over the leadership of the society, or peel off a significant part of its assets, missions and clergy. Williamson is pretty unsavoury, but I imagine some of the people willing to help him are even more so.

  2. I think you're a closet Catholic.

  3. I think you're a closet Catholic.

    LOL! I need to get that framed. If you only knew how often I get accused of being a rabid anti-Catholic Ortho-convert.

  4. Archimandrite Gregory5/30/2013 5:57 PM

    Funny not so many years ago some folks were saying the same thing about ROCOR. Time often makes fools of all of us.


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