Wednesday, February 19, 2014

An open letter to His Holiness Pope Francis from Prince Bertrand of Orleans-Braganza

Oh my... This is going to raise a few eyebrows.


  1. Steve, I cannot find any connection between your comment and the post here. Can you connect the dots for me?

    If you can't, even if I were otherwise inclined to read or follow your blog (unlikely, but let's assume for the sake of argument), I would refrain. I would refrain because if the only way you can generate interest in your website is to SPAM someone else's website, basic time management tells me I shouldn't waste my time with you.

  2. Thanks David. SPAM comments do pop up now and then. But I get rid of them as quickly as I can.

  3. Wait it was spam?

    I thought I was getting "saved."

  4. At the risk of showing how unsaved I am, I'd venture my surprise that the Prince appeared to write his letter as if he expected an answer. Rome has been diddling about the issue of property ownership for a few centuries, and solely the optimistically saved may expect a definitive stance.


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