The Navy said it will deploy enlisted female sailors in 2016 aboard submarines with female officers already assigned to them.
In July, the Navy announced that enlisted female sailors will begin deploying on submarines in 2016. The enlisted women will be placed on ships with female officers where those naval officers can function as role-models and mentors, Connor said.
"We will build upon the ships that have women officers to lead and bring in senior women at the chief petty officer level just like we did with the women supply officers," he explained.
Read the rest here.
Our Compassionate Father
7 hours ago
That train actually left the station some time ago.
USS Powder Puff
I hope the medical officers aboard those subs have training in obstetrics; female sailors are
always getting pregnant, and nuclear subs are at sea a LONG time.
The Russians and the Chinese must be laughing their asses off.
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