Thursday, March 03, 2016

Episcopalian Priest Aborted Her Baby So She Could Finish Divinity School

Abortion advocates across the nation are trying to send the U.S. Supreme Court a message: Women need abortions to be successful.

This insulting notion has been the underlying theme of dozens of stories pro-abortion women have submitted to the high court ahead of its hearing on a Texas pro-life law, which has been credited with saving more than 10,000 babies’ lives. The law is responsible for closing abortion clinics that could not guarantee they could protect the health of Texas women.

The latest pro-abortion story to be highlighted in the mainstream media is that of the Rev. Anne Fowler, an Episcopal priest from New England, who said her abortion allowed her to finish divinity school and become a priest.

Here is her story, according to an amicus brief submitted to the U.S. Supreme Court:

Read the rest here.

The English language contains no words or expressions that can adequately describe this kind of undiluted evil.


Prior Martin said...

This Episcopagan priestess is truly an abomination, evil incarnate and so typical of the heretics and feminists that make up the Anglican Communion. A vile an odious creature if ever there was one!

lannes said...

Changing her name to Rasputin would be a step up.

Chris said...

So, not only is she guilty of murdering a child in the womb, but she's also an adultress. I guess in the Episcopal Churches those actions scream "Ordain this person now!"

Why the hell do the Orthodox keep dialoguing with these people (i.e. Episcopalians) and keep giving them assurances about their rites, their doctrines, etc. when they give sanction and pardon or turn a blind eye to such evil? Such a "church" has no moral credibility on anything from racism to gun violence.

John (Ad Orientem) said...

Chris. FWIW a number of Orthodox jurisdictions have nothing at all to do with TEO. The OCA severed all communication a while back. What I have been waiting for is a declaration that we no longer accept their baptisms as "close enough" for converts. We need to make it as clear as a bell that we do not consider that "church" to even be Christian.

John (Ad Orientem) said...

Sadly true. We can also add the Popes of Rome and the Coptic Church to that list.

Chris said...

The Church of England is basically the same as the TEC. The global Anglican communion based mainly in Africa and Asia, on the other hand, has stood up for traditional Christian orthodoxy, but they are constantly being badgered and bullied by the Church of England and the TEC to change their ways. I hope and doubt they will change.

Gregory Manning said...

I'm pretty sure the ROC cut off communications after TEC awarded the pointy hat to Miss Thing from Connecticut.