Saturday, July 23, 2016

And now for some really good news...

The Episcopal Divinity School of Massachusetts is going out of business. If this isn't the most heretical "seminary" in the United States (and it may be), it's damned close. Rod Dreher is practically doing a victory dance, and I don't blame him. Good news in the religion department has been a bit thin on the ground of late.


  1. The Unitarian seminaries are probably still the winners for "most heretical," though they don't pretend to be Christian.

  2. Eh. Those who don't even pretend to be Christians (and I salute their honesty) shall be excluded from our rankings. :-)

  3. This is good new, however personally I do have a little trouble rejoicing too much about it. It seems a bit too much like dancing on someone's grave. Oh well, at least their heresy will have more difficulty spreading.

  4. Hopefully, they will find their way forward into a future replete with even greater irrelevance. Still, I must say that if I had not worked there I might not have found my way back to the Orthodox Church after almost two decades of delusion. For opening my eyes to the reality (unreality?) of ECUSA and inspiring me to seek a house built upon the Rock and not on shifting sand, I offer EDS a gratitude that I pray will endure well beyond the time that ungodly institution becomes little more than a historical curiosity.

    Dom Theodore, Prior
    Monastery of Our Lady and St Laurence

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. The Episcopalians are so mired in heresy that the closing of this seminary will do nothing to stem the tide. I'm sure the faculty will go elsewhere maybe even to some Lutheran seminaries where they can continue to spread the teachings of the heresiarchs.


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