Tuesday, August 02, 2016

First Mass in the Krak des Chevaliers in 745 Years

Fr. Z has the story and some video. A truly remarkable event and it was gratifying to see that the Mass was celebrated using the Traditional Roman Rite.


A. T. Wallace said...

Technically, it was the traditional Dominican Rite, not the Roman. That makes it even cooler.

Unknown said...

Are there many differences between the Roman and Dominican Rites?


Unknown said...

Are there many differences between the Roman and Dominican Rites?


JCM said...

I think it can be argued that the "Dominican rite" is actually a use of the Roman rite, but I'm no expert. The Canon of the Mass (ie the Eucharistic prayer) is exactly the same. Otherwise, the Dominican Mass follows the same pattern as the Roman Mass, and is easily recognisable to anyone who follows the traditional Roman rite, but it differs in numerous details.