Is the pope Catholic?” For at least a century, this was the way we
Anglicans joked about anything that seemed too obvious to state. Now we
must ask in seriousness whether the pope is a liberal Protestant.
Early this month, an American theologian resigned under pressure
from his post as theological advisor to the United States Conference of
Catholic Bishops. What had Fr. Thomas Weinandy done to deserve this
public rebuke? He had made public a July letter to the pope, in which he charged that the Holy Father was causing “chronic confusion.” The pope’s apostolic exhortation Amoris Laetitia
is “intentionally ambiguous” on grave moral and doctrinal matters. It
“risks sinning against the Holy Spirit, the Spirit of truth,” and
“demean[s] the importance of Christian doctrine” by inviting changes to
traditional Catholic teaching on marriage and divorce. The pope
“resents” criticism and “mock[s]” those who have challenged Amoris Laetitia “as Pharisaic stone-throwers.”
As an outsider, I can’t help but wonder whether the pope and the
USCCB were particularly provoked by Weinandy’s suggestion that Jesus had
allowed this controversy in order “to manifest just how weak is the
faith of many within the Church, even among too many of her bishops.”
Catholics will have to make up their own minds—but I’ll admit I have
questions about the faith of Pope Francis, which seems, if not weak, at
least different from that of the Catholic tradition.
Even before the release of Amoris Laetitia in March 2016,
Francis had caused many to question his fidelity to that tradition. In
2014, the midterm report of the Extraordinary Synod on the Family
recommended that pastors emphasize the “positive aspects” of
cohabitation and civil remarriage after divorce. He said that Jesus’s
multiplication of bread and fish was really a miracle of sharing, not of
multiplying (2013); told a woman in an invalid marriage that she could
take Holy Communion (2014); claimed that lost souls do not go to hell
(2015); and said that Jesus had begged his parents for forgiveness
(2015). In 2016, he said that God had been “unjust with his son,”
announced his prayer intention to build a society “that places the human
person at the center,” and declared that inequality is “the greatest
evil that exists.” In 2017, he joked that “inside the Holy Trinity
they’re all arguing behind closed doors, but on the outside they give
the picture of unity.” Jesus Christ, he said, “made himself the devil.”
“No war is just,” he pronounced. At the end of history, “everything will
be saved. Everything.”
Read the rest here.
Forgive Everyone for Everything
1 hour ago
1 comment:
Rod touts an odd example. Bill Clinton was a known rake. Trump is a serial monogamist. There is actually nothing to suggest a young Trump stalked Manhattan's corridors of wealth, grabbing women by the genitals.
The end of idealism has a lot of people unhinged.
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