Baltimore, Aug 1- The Democratic State Convention, which met here to-day, declared that the purpose of the party, if successful in the coming election was to eliminate the negro from politics in Maryland, if it is possible under the state constitution. Upon this, the paramount issue of the campaign, will stand the candidates nominated to-day for state offices and those chosen in the various county and district conventions as candidates for places in the legislature of 1902, which will elect a United States Senator to succeed George L. Wellington. That his successor, in the event of Democratic victory, would be Arthur Pue Gorman, is thought to be probable, although no formal announcement of his candidacy has yet been made...
...Under the guidance of Mr. Gorman, the following declaration on the chief issue in the campaign was prepared and adopted.
"The Democratic party represents more than forty thousand majority of the white people of Maryland. They, in common with their brethren of other states into which large masses of colored voters have been injected into the body politic, recognize that the peace, good order, personal safety and proper development of our material interests depend upon our control of the commonwealth by its intelligent white residents. Without the aid of the sixty thousand colored voters the Republican party in Maryland would be a hopeless minority.
We therefore without hesitation proclaim that the success of the Democratic party will mean that, while we shall deal with perfect fairness in securing all the benefits of good government and full and free opportunities to education for all classes, such action must be taken as to prevent the control of the State government from passing into the hands of those who have neither the ability nor the interest to manage public affairs wisely and well."
Read the rest here.
As there was hope for the Democratic Party yesterday so too is there hope for today’s Republican Party after its takeover by the old Dixiecrats after Nixon’s southern strategy and LBJ’s support for civil rights and desegregation.
123, what nonsense. In case you missed that last 40 years, Reagan, Bush 41, Bush 43 and Trump are not Dixiecrats. What a canard. Every Republican Senator voted for the Civil Rights Act, and it is in Democrat run cities and states where African-American are most at-risk, poor and without work. Stop spinning tall tales and look at the facts before you spread such nonsense.
Mr Stephen describes a confused sense of history....The chaps you mentioned all played the dogwhistles of racism but I suppose you're deaf...
Evagrius, indeed I did not hear them. But that you did, doesn't that mean you are racist? Only dogs hear dogwhistles, after all.
I let that last comment through, but please stick to the topic and avoid personalizing disagreement. Thanks.
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