Monday, July 29, 2024

The state of the Republican Party in one image



  1. We get that you don't like Trump. However, posting this picture is nothing short of blasphemy. I strongly suggest that St. John of San Francisco would not countenance such a thing. Feel free to disagree. Unlike the Jihadists, I believe God can defend Himself. Attack Trump all you want, but lay off the blasphemous pictures, if you are truely Orthodox.

  2. BorisJojicj
    You are correct. It is blasphemous. It is also idolatrous, which is exactly why I posted it. It is a sign of the moral corruption of a political party I belonged to for the first 32 years of my adult life, and of the decline in American society more broadly. This abomination was being treated like a holy icon by at least some followers of Donald Trump.

    When this sort of thing is going on, silence is not a moral option.


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