Monday, January 27, 2025


Anglican prelate Ian Ernest & Metropolitan Polycarp of the Orthodox Ecumenical Patriarchate of Constantinople, together with a sitting Pope Francis, administer a "joint" blessing at the ecumenical vespers in the Basilica of Saint Paul Outside The Walls (1 of 4 main Basilicas in Rome). 

Anyone conscious of the historic divisions that erected the schism between the Eastern Orthodox, Roman Catholics, and Anglicans, will understand the extreme significance of this. 

Does it breed indifferentism? Of course, it does. How could it not? You have 3 men who are presented as Apostolically capable of issuing a blessing upon the congregation, despite the fact that each leads a community of Christians that would mutually understand each other to be in either heresy, schism, or both. 

Read the rest here
HT Blog reader John L.

I have my differences with the Old Calendarists (self styled "True Orthodox). But they are not wrong when they point out the degree to which many of the local churches have swallowed the ecumenical Kool-Aid. This should be both shocking and scandalous. Sadly, my guess is that it will get a collective yawn from most of the Orthodox world. 

1 comment:

  1. The Orthodox Churches are simply national churches of the Byzantine, Rite, daughter churches of the Great Church. This has been true for a majority of the history or Christianity, and for the vast majority of what has become the Orthodox Church. These actions simply demonstrate what the Orthodox Churches Have been practicing for centuries in other historical context. The only dope who don’t realize this are western converts Who believed the official line of the Orthodox Church and it’s non-national applications, as taught by a dwindling, a small minority of convert clergy. One could say the monks believe this, but in reality, they spelt the official line while jealously guarding everything that is nationalistic about their national tradition. Action speak louder than words, and the Orthodox Church Has been acting Clearly, loudly, and consistently in this regard for centuries and centuries. It was a wonderful missionary vision, and about as practical and real as the same beautiful vision of the Western Rite.


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