Sunday, February 09, 2025

The Authoritarian Checklist

What are the Core Attributes of Authoritarianism?

  • Rejecting established democratic rules and norms.
  • Denying the legitimacy of opponents.
  • Tolerating or encouraging political violence.
  • Curtailing the civil liberties of opponents.
  • Breaking down social cohesion to divide and rule a society.

What are the Top 11 Elements of the Authoritarian Playbook?

  • Divide and rule: Foment mistrust and fear in the population.
  • Spread lies and conspiracy theories: Undermine the public’s belief in truth.
  • Destroy checks and balances: Use legal or pseudo-legal rationales to gut institutions, weaken opposition, and/or declare national emergencies to seize unconstitutional powers.
  • Demonize opponents: Undermine the public’s trust in those actors and institutions that hold the state accountable. Intimidate or suppress news/media outlets that fail to demonstrate sufficient loyalty to the regime.
  • Undermine civil and political rights for the unaligned: Actively suppress free speech, the right to assembly and protest and the rights of minority groups.
  • Blame minorities, immigrants, and “outsiders” for a country’s problems: Exploit national humiliation while promising to restore national glory.
  • Reward loyalists and punish defectors: Make in-group members fearful to voice dissension.
  • Encourage or condone violence to advance political goals: Dehumanize opposition and/or out-groups to justify violence against them.
  • Organize mass rallies to keep supporters mobilized against made-up threats: Use fearmongering and hate speech to consolidate in-group identity and solidarity.
  • Make people feel like they are powerless to change things: Solutions will only come from the top. 
  • Place fanatical loyalists in charge of the armed forces, law enforcement and all other aspects of state security. Their loyalty is to the regime/leader, not the rule of law or the constitution.

At this point, I believe the Trump Administration meets most, but not quite all of the above criteria.

1 comment:

  1. Absolutely correct! The Hero of the Twenty First Century.


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