Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Can anyone spare an ark?

My hometown of Endwell (near Binghamton) in upstate NY is experiencing the worst flood possibly since the 1930s. The entire Northeast is being flooded by torrential rains. The Susquehanna River is still rising and has already overflowed flood walls and is flooding whole communities. Many dams are in danger of bursting. Houses and cars are floating down the river. Sadly a number of people have been killed. At least one person died on I 88 this morning in predawn low visibility. The driver likely did not see that the highway had washed away and he drove into the river. All of the bridges over the river (there are many) in my area are now closed. One has already collapsed and another appears to be about to go. Thank God my family lives on high ground, although my mother is without power and is trapped in her house by water. All of the surrounding roads are flooded. I will be returning home on Friday for a long planned vacation. I ask for the prayers of all not merely for my family but for all of the victims of this terrible disaster. Below are some pictures of the area of my home town and neighboring communities. News of the disaster is being reported on CNN and all of the network news channels and their websites. Reports specific to my home town can be found here and here.

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