Friday, September 07, 2007

An update on the Orama comments

Canon Kendall Harmon over at T-19 is reporting that he has received an email from a spokesman for Bp. +Orama denying the remarks previously quoted by the UPI and various places on the internet including here. I have not seen this email, however I doubt Kendall would have posted anything about it if he did not recognize the source. The spokesman also (again via Kendall) claims that a formal retraction from the press will be forthcoming. If this should occur I will of course take note of it here.

An Amplification: Saturday 09-08-07
Pending further credible information one way or another as to the veracity of the original news story I do not know with certainty whether or not the quoted comments were actually made. However no retraction that I am aware of has been issued by the press as of this writing, and the denial has not been repeated by any other source including the bishop himself. For these reasons frankly I am compelled to opine that it remains quite possible and perhaps even likely that the original story was accurate. I sincerely I hope that I am wrong and will gladly post a retraction if the evidence warrants it. If anyone has new information on this from a credible source please drop me a line or a comment. Until then I stand by my earlier post on this subject.

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