"He had shed no blood; robbed no one; and despoiled no country; which is more than can be said of his fellows in that line."
-Patrick Crowley San Francisco Chief of Police 1867
is the blog of an Orthodox Christian and is published under the spiritual patronage of St. John of San Francisco. Topics likely to be discussed include matters relating to Orthodoxy as well as other religious confessions, politics, economics, social issues, current events or anything else which interests me. © 2006-2025
Charming story. God rest his soul.
I think you finally converted me to monarchism.
I used to think people who considered themselves "monarchists" were just deliberately antiquarian, and I'm sure many are, but the more I hear about various historical figures in the not-so-distant past who ruled in a manner obviously more liberal and charitable than the tyrants who want to control everything in today's world, the more I'm convinced that the idea that there's something inherently wrong with monarchy (and that democracy is inherently better than other system of governance) is just hogwash.
I still think of myself as a republican at heart, but I'd sooner be subject to a beneficent monarch than the slave of a farce of a republic any day.
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