"Perhaps the greatest accomplishment of my administration has been minding my own business."
-Calvin Coolidge 30th President of the United States
is the blog of an Orthodox Christian and is published under the spiritual patronage of St. John of San Francisco. Topics likely to be discussed include matters relating to Orthodoxy as well as other religious confessions, politics, economics, social issues, current events or anything else which interests me. © 2006-2025
Because Nicaragua was his Business, in the fullest sense of the word.
In retrospect, Coolidge should have just let Sandino have the run of the place. Then, once the ountry was reduced to bolshevik ruin, American business interests could have walked back in at their leisure.
Was it "Bolsheviks" that time? Or was it "Huns" or the "War on Terrorism"? I get all of your Boogiemen confused.
They're not my bogeymen. I for one will be quite content when Americans no longer have the money to care what happens beyond their borders.
What's your dog in these fights anyway? If I were Argentinean, I'd be too busy commenting on the high aesthetics of my 92+% European society.
Reading my comment again, you're right, I was wrong to call it anyone's Bogeyeman other than the US Govt's and their enablers.
As far as Argentina, listen I understand that you're really excited to have googled up the ethnic composition here, but given the fact that I LIVE HERE AND SEE IT EVERY DAY, pardon me if I don't find it that astounding. I understand it blows your mind that not everything south of the Río Grande is México, but what can I say, there's alot of world to see outside of The Glendale Mall.
Your comment makes it sound as if because I am not of the same race as the Nicaraguans I should somehow not have solidarity with them. I would say such thinking is abhorrent.
You live in a European society imposed on a continent by the slaughter and exploitation of millions of indigenous peoples and you quibble about US Marines in Nicaragua who probably saved the place from an internecine bloodbath. So I'm just not sure what's behind your reflexive anti-American view down there in Argentina.
And don't get me wrong, I think Argentina is fantastic. I wish the US shared a border with Argentina and Chile instead of Mexico.
Yes, Europeans coming here to murder was evil. The Argentine Government's slaughter of the indigineous population was evil. Marines going all over the world to murder is evil. Mexican imperialism in the Yucatán is evil. Etc., etc. I don't see what's reflexively 'anti-american' about that, nor do I see why my saying so gets your goat.
With your libertarian bent, I would think you would be the first to join me in excoriating governments perpetrating evils, but I'm getting very sceptical about libertarians' empty rhetoric about liberty.
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