Saturday, September 10, 2011

Egypt: Protestors storm Israeli embassy

CAIRO — Israel airlifted its ambassador home and sought U.S. intervention with Egypt to help secure its embassy here early Saturday, hours after thousands of Egyptian protesters besieged the building, with several managing to gain entry and fling Hebrew-language documents from a balcony.

Protesters knocked down a 12-foot concrete wall that had been built last week to protect the embassy, which is near the top floor of a 21-story residential building in the upscale Dokki area. At least two protesters scaled the front of the building to pull down the Israeli flag, hanging from the 20th floor. It was the second time in recent weeks that demonstrators had removed the flag.
Read the rest here.

I have been a frequent critic of Israel on this blog. But this is outrageous. Israel has every right to be furious. Egypt needs to get its act together if it expects to be treated as a modern country that respects international law.


  1. Igumen Gregory9/10/2011 10:48 AM

    While Israel is not always fair and And moral in its actions, nevertheless they are the best friends we have in the Middle East.

  2. In order to be a modern country, Egypt must have modern people. Most of them are gone.

  3. So, Egypt has a revolution and throws off the shackles of decades of corruption by Mubarak, and what do they do?

    Get the Jews!

  4. No surprise. Move along, nothing to see here.

    The MuslimBrotherhood will sieze power, I predict within 18-24 months and it will turn Egypt into another Iran or worse, Sudan. All the Christians (Coptic, Greek Orthodox, Catholic, Anglican & Protestants of every stripe) should be prepared to flee or face martyrdom. It is becoming inevitable.

    For all the "Jewhaters" both Christian and non-Christian, hope you are enjoying this. I guess we will see whose side God is on - Islam or Israel. The "Samson Option" may be heating up.


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