Saturday, September 10, 2011

Lefebvrians say they will never accept Vatican Council

“If their aim is still to force us to accept the second Vatican Council, the discussions have been clear enough in showing that we have no intention of doing any such thing.”

These were the decisive but prudent words of Bernard Fellay, who was adamant he would not agree to any compromise with the Vatican. On the 15 August, Fellay spoke openly about the talks between the Lefebvrians and the Holy See during the “summer University” of the Society of St. Pius X, fonde by Monsignor Lefebvre.

The transcription of the public interview with the Lefebvrian superior, held by the Society’s press agent, the abbot Alain Lorans, was published a few days ago, on the eve of the meeting in Rome between Fellay and Cardinal William Levada, Prefect of the Vatican Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, which should encapsulate two years of “doctrinal talks” between Rome and the traditionalists.

The Lefebvrian superior’s judgement on the discussions was anything but friendly: “They are not beneficial right now because there is a clash of mentalities… In any case, we are certainly not in agreement. If there is one thing we agree on, that is that we do not agree on anything.”
Read the rest here.

Further evidence (if any were needed) that the SSPX is in fact schismatic.


  1. Igumen Gregory9/10/2011 10:52 AM

    I think i would be more cautious about the use of the word schismatic.

  2. A schismatic calling others schismatic, puhleeze.

  3. Igumen Gregory9/11/2011 2:36 PM

    See what i mean?

  4. Who's in schism from who? Roman Catholicism has changed so much, and then there are the assortment of things taught by the popes since then...

  5. Igumen Gregory9/13/2011 6:56 AM

    Schism is in the eye of the beholder. I think conversations should begin from a far less confrontational stance. Schism and heresy while certainly operative words when discussing theological issues, is , nevertheless, counter productive when sitting down to discuss our mutual areas of concern.

  6. Tell me, how are reunion talks going between the Russian Orthodox Old Ritualists and the imperial Russian Orthodox New Ritualists? I do not see to many "Raskol," after centuries of bitter persecution, knocking on the doors of the yedinovertzi offer; which is not too much different from what Rome is offering the Society.


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