Corporal Jesse Thorsen, who famously gave a ringing endorsement for Ron Paul not once but twice, on national television and in uniform may be in hot water. I was moved and impressed by this obviously patriotic young man's enthusiasm and political awareness. But as I noted in an earlier post what he did was a no no. He should have known better, and to be frank, so should Dr. Paul who is a veteran and yet asked Jesse to speak at his election night rally.
This is not and should not become a proverbial "Federal Case." It's more like a traffic ticket offense. But some apologies are in order, and Corporal Thorsen needs a good old fashioned dressing down. The uniform is respected by almost all Americans in part because it represents all of us and is firmly understood to be apolitical.
Forgive Everyone for Everything
8 hours ago
Did you see the video where Blitz Wolfer on CNN cut him off (mysteriously), just as he started to say that Israel should defend itself and not rely on US taxpayer funding? I wonder if that is more what is getting this kid in hot water, and not so much that he just spoke on a political issue. Personally, I find it completely wrong that the military cannot openly speak about their political preferences. Since the military is so well respected, their opinion holds a lot of sway. Historically, the US military has generally been solid and honest; why should they stop being so if they could speak openly?
I'm pretty sure that the CNN glitch was just that, a technical foul up. It happens and there is no real reason to cut this kid off. It was great political theater. As for your other point, I would have to disagree. I am a veteran and I support Ron Paul. But when you enlist you give up some of your rights in order to more effectively serve and defend our country.
Members of the Armed Forces CAN vote and support candidates. They just can't do so while in uniform. It would have the effect of politicizing the armed forces which would have devastating effects on the respect it held in by almost all Americans. The armed forces MUST remain apolitical. The uniform being a symbol of our country and its military must never be cheapened by using it as a political prop.
This and this on the other hand are copacetic.
Before we judge, we should know all the facts.
Perhaps this serviceman knew exactly what he was doing and the risks he took. Perhaps Dr. Paul warned him about it, and still this man took the liberty to do what he felt was right to defend the Constituion.
Let us not be so quick to judge.
Rather we should pray for one another and keep fighting for the Constitution, which is the reason for the army. This is the oath we make to defend and protect from all enemies, foreign and domestic.
Anon - if the army were actually to fulfill its oath, it would have to overthrow the government.
The army is kept far, far away, scattered all across the globe rather than protecting the territorial integrity of the American nation from the coming civil war in Mexico, Guatemala and Honduras. I would guess that National Guard units in the Southwestern US are already infiltrated by cartel members.
No, they will soon be brought back and possibly used against American citizens.
The recent passage of NDAA and calls for SOPA passage are the warning signs of a toteltarian police state.
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