Tuesday, June 05, 2012

Orthodoxy and Monarchy

Thought this contribution from the Mad Monarchist might be appropriate on the last day of the jubilee. An interesting piece since I am pretty sure he is not Orthodox.


  1. I have two thoughts:

    First, it's sort of sad to me that so many of the Western royal saints like the Edwards of England were left out of the Orthodox king list. But then again, Westerners are often not accustomed to viewing English or French history as ever a part of "Orthodox history."

    Second, when I watched this video on youtube, the following interview with the New Martyr Fr. Daniel Sysoyev came up in the margin:


    I would highly recommend the interview as a potential corrective to the viewpoint presented by the Mad Monarchist.

  2. Although I agree mostly with the sentiments of this video but it still annoys me that the Churches (Catholic and Orthodox) declare Emperor Constantine as a 'Christian'. He was a pagan soldier who won his way to the throne, only mouthed Christian principles when he found them useful and wasn't even baptized until his deathbed. What is so 'saintly' about him?

  3. Matthew,
    I kinda concur with you. Constantine the not so great is not on my top ten list of saints.

  4. wasn't even baptized until his deathbed

    As far as heresies go, I'm partial to Bogomilism, and therefore I'm not upset by deathbed baptisms.

    Edwards of England

    Presumably, you're referring to Edward Elder and Edward Martyr, but not the Norman arschloch Edward Confessor, who's historicity consists of papalized fables.


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