Tuesday, June 05, 2012

Rod Dreher: My Church is better than your church

Substantively that is the point of this essay, though in fairness he isn't obnoxious about it. Owen the Ochlophobist didn't like it, which I suspect for some will come as a recommendation. For my part I thought it was OK but am not wild about the emphasis on "conservative" that he applies. It left the impression (possibly I am misreading it) that he means cultural conservatives in the neo-con context which I have no use for. The extent of the Church's involvement with politics should be anointing the monarch (long accepted as a sacrament) and reprimanding the monarch if they are behaving badly or abusing their power. Once you get past that I become very leery when those whose job is to guide us on the path to theosis start getting wrapped up in the affairs of the world. Are there exceptions? Yes. Abortion is an absolute moral evil and the Church has a right and duty to say as much. But such exceptions are few and far between. In general the Church should stay clear of politics.


  1. I'm sure that Och is pinching himself in flattered disbelief that a personage like Mr. Dreher takes notice of him.

  2. I doubt any Christian would be flattered to have someone like Dreher taking notice of him. Period.

  3. I have found Mr. Dreher over the years, as he has moved from Protestantism to Catholicism to Orthodoxy to become increasingly shrill, and inconsistent.

    On a personal note, I have found myself becoming what appears to be more "liberal" as I have grown in the Church. I am more concerned about social justice, the poor and preservation of the whole family (not just marriage and the unborn). And I actually consider this conservatism--it's not conservatism to not care about the environment, the poor, rising income equality and an overstretched military.

    I stopped believing much Dreher said when he started his little anonymous blog attacking bishops who were trying to do their job.

  4. Green: amen, amen and amen. We are all guilty of prelest but Dreher's public exhibitions ought to be a warning for all of us.

  5. I can't believe he'd quote Cutsinger on theosis.

    Otherwise I stopped reading Rod's blog some time ago. It doesn't matter what he writes about. He comes across as a condescending name dropping know it all.


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