Wednesday, January 09, 2013

An Update

First, words cannot express my deep gratitude for the outpouring of prayers and well wishes which have been posted on my blog, via email or in person. I feel truly blessed by so many expressions of friendship. On a practical note they seem to have worked. The surgery went as well as can be expected. I am in great pain, which is to be expected but it seems to be diminishing a smidgen each day. Those awful tubes down the nose and throat and up more personal ares of the anatomy have been removed and I am being allowed to drink liquids and some very soft foods. All early tests show what is hoped for and the doctor is cautiously optimistic that I will be discharged from hospital either tonight or tomorrow.

That's about it for now. Blogging will be pretty slow for a while, but I wanted to get a note up.

Thank you all again and may God bless you as much as He has me.


  1. That is great news. May God grant you continued healing!

  2. Glory to God. Prayers will continue as you recover.

  3. Glory to God! Thank you for making the effort to update us. We will continue to pray.

  4. Glory to God! It is so good to hear from you directly, yet what an effort it must be. May God ease your pain and speed your recovery. We - all your readers, I'm sure - will continue to hold you in our prayers.

  5. Glory to God! I pray that your recovery is swift and uneventful.

  6. Wonderful news, John. God is good.

    Prayers continue.

  7. Wonderful, wonderful news! Thanks be to God who loves us so much!

  8. Fantastic! Glory to God! As we say down here, just "keep on keepin' on" -

  9. Thank the Lord that all is going well--may He continue to provide you with endurance through the healing process!

  10. Praise be to Jesus Christ!

    May your recovery be swift and complete! You remain on our daily intercession list.

  11. Thanks be to God for a good outcome!


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