Saturday, January 05, 2013

Going under the knife

I write this quick note from my bed in hospital where I am waiting for emergency surgery. To be brief (I don't have a lot of time) I have been ill with gastrointestinal problems for a while now and finally went to the ER today after three days of being unable to keep down food or water. After a bunch of tests and scans they discovered my stomach is almost completely up in my chest, and it is twisted around my heart. Even a layman like me didn't need the doctors to explain that this is extremely serious.

They are preparing to operate tonight. It is expected that I will be in the hospital for probably the next five days or so after they rip my chest open, untangle my stomach and pull-push it back down to where it is supposed to be. My mother had this surgery back in the 1980's and nearly died from it. So no false bravado here..

I am terrified.

Your prayers are deeply appreciated.


  1. I'm far away, but I will pray.

    God, however, is very near to you.

    I'm sure everyone will pray just as soon as they see your post. I hope and pray will feel very much better very soon!

  2. Lord have mercy!

  3. Lord Jesus Christ, have mercy upon this your child and servant. Draw near to him in this time of need. Grant him healing and a perfect recovery. May he continue to serve you in faithful obedience all the days of his life. Lord, hear our prayer.

  4. Jack O'Malley1/05/2013 10:10 PM

    John, daily Rosaries for your health until you have come through this. And you will. And a few more in thanksgiving afterwards. I pray for your health in the name of and through the intercession of Archbishop Sheen.

    Fear not. You are a faithful son of the Church and the Lord will provide in His Mercy. You will recover.

    Sit Nomen Domini benedictum.

  5. God is near John. Lord have mercy on your servant

  6. Lord have mercy! We will certainly pray.

  7. You'll pull through with flying colors, I'm sure. Lord, have mercy.

  8. My husband and I are praying for you.

  9. Prayers, John. Bill, tGf.

    I've emailed all your kumovi and Fr David.

  10. Prayers from a longtime reader. Lord, have mercy.

  11. Lord, have mercy on your servant John and on the surgeons. You are the Great Physician and Giver of Life.

  12. Deacon Jeremiah1/05/2013 11:54 PM

    May Christ our God strengthen you, John!

  13. LV/ Miss Sippi1/06/2013 12:09 AM

    Praying for you John! Lord have mercy.

  14. May God be with you. I pray you recover smoothly.

  15. The Lord be with you. Prayers.

  16. I will be praying for you tonight here in Australia, while the US is asleep. May God send you His perfect peace and healing.
    many blessings,

  17. We're praying! May St. John Maximovitch be by your side! (If you have access to his holy oil you may want to use it). May God guide the doctors' hands!

  18. Just saw this and am lifting you up in prayer. Blessings for a quick and smooth recovery.

  19. 3rd hand report - "Surgery over ... apparently stable."

  20. May the prayers of St Luke the Physician, St Panteleimon and all the Holy Unmercenaries find favour at the Throne of Grace.

    My poor prayers!

  21. Lord, have mercy! Prayers from Romania.

  22. Your mom's surgery was about 30years ago! Lots of medical advances since then.

    Rely upon the faith of the Church when your own flags; that's a big part of what the Church is for, and the saints. We all share one Life, one Lord, one Faith.

    Prayers ascend for you.

  23. Healing prayer for you sir.
    As long as it isn't an alien chest-buster you will be fine I'm sure.
    It does sound painful, though so I'll pray that the Blessed virgin who underwent childbirth without pain will comfort you.

  24. Prayers from this side of the Atlantic.

  25. Lord have mercy!

  26. I'm praying for you, John. Get well soon!

  27. Christ sanctifies the waters today, and I am sure you will soon be able to partake of them in all abundance! May God keep you in His perfect mercy, John!

  28. I will add you to the monastery prayer list for commemoration at daily Matins. Lord, have mercy! Ss. Cosmas and Damian, interceed for him!

  29. Lord have mercy. You will be in our prayers this evening and until we hear from you with hopefully good news. Please update as you are able, John.

  30. God be with you! Lord Jesus have mercy on your servant John.

  31. Update: Pete visited him this afternoon. He's fuzzy under heavy pain meds. He does not at this time have access to a computer.

    Fr D called the hospital this morning. John is progressing "as expected."

    Please keep prayers coming.

    Bill, tGf

  32. Thanks for the updates, Bill. Please keep them coming. Still praying and confident of the Lord's mercy.

  33. Andrea Elizabeth1/07/2013 8:43 AM

    I hope you are ok.

  34. Prayers for a full and complete recovery!

  35. Many prayers for a swift recovery.

  36. Thank you for the updates. Still praying for you! You were remembered at Liturgy yesterday.

  37. Thanks for the updates. Continuing to pray.

  38. John's surgery was successful; I saw him yesterday after Petar, his brother from church, visited. John was extremely tired but doing fine. Earlier on Theophany afternoon Fr. Jon from the local Greek Orthodox Church came, prayed, and anointed. It was moving reading of your prayers -- thank you so much. It was a serious surgery" his stomach surrounded his heart. God bless John with healing and you all for your loving intercessions.

  39. I will pray for John's continued healing and recuperation. Lord have mercy and compassion on Your servant John after his surgery.

  40. I don't often comment on this blog, but I have often found it very helpful and informative. The least I can do, having found this, is to pray for your recovery.

  41. I echo precisely what Zach Weiss says above.

    Praying earnestly for John here in Australia.

  42. Thank God you came through successfully. Prayers for your speedy healing.

  43. Prayers also.

  44. Fr. David, thank you for the update!

  45. Many prayers. Lord, have mercy.

  46. Bob Glassmeyer1/08/2013 12:11 PM

    May the hospital food not be too bad, especially the green jello, and may you get out of there quickly so you can recover at home.

    God love you!

  47. UPDATE - Just got off phone with John. He is healing. Very tired, but has already been able to reduce pain meds, and is starting to think about what to do on the "outside."

    Bill, tGf

  48. Praying for you!


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