Tuesday, January 28, 2014

The State of the Union

For the love of God... STOP IT! It has slowly devolved from solemn state occasion to political theater to little more than a circus that is beneath the dignity of the Presidency and the Congress. We now have no less than four(!) responses coming from the opposition party. Every other member of Congress is giving seats in the gallery to politically charged "guests." Enough already. We need to go back to the old way and send the message up in writing. On which note, the modern custom is yet another legacy of President Wilson, the worst of the 43 men who have occupied the office.


gabriel said...

There's a simple solution. Stop televising it. Ban video recording in the chamber.

{but that would be anti-democratic, so obviously a horrible idea}

Archimandrite Gregory said...

Better yet, stop watching all of this political tom foolery!

gabriel said...

Well, I certainly don't watch it. But if you want to change its form, you have to change the incentives.

Visibilium said...

One of the advantages of my being in rehab is my sloth, which allowed me to watch Obama's recitation of his inactivity. Thomas Jefferson wisely ridded us of this ridiculous pep rally, but I still succumbed to the temptation. Access to Fox News lessened the harshness of an uninterpreted version, thankfully.

The Anti-Gnostic said...

I read a slyly subversive comment from someone that the audience for the State of the Union is the same audience as for the Oscars.

Visibilium said...

A-G, my subversion votes for the Emmys since the Oscars are too important.