Thursday, February 06, 2014

Memo to NBC News

Your new website sucks. I can't even load it in my browser (Firefox). And no, I'm not switching browsers. I took a look at it in I.E (first time I've opened that browser in a few years) and I think I like the unloadable version more. Yes, it's that bad.


CJ said...

"Mobile friendly" is ruining everything.

Ben said...
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Ben said...

CJ, as a web designer, I don't think the problem is "Mobile Friendly".

Badly implemented "Mobile Friendly" is the real problem(Actually referred to as Responsive . . . because it responds to different screen sizes.)

I pulled the site up on Chrome and it looked great to me (ironic considered the massive share that Microsoft owns in NBC).

They're using what's called Metro design, which is based on Microsoft's Windows 8 OS. What I find ironic is that for such a good looking site, they couldn't spend the time to make it look good on their own browser.

John, which IE version did you attempt to pull it up on? Sometimes IE6 and earlier has (ahem cough) "issues" correctly translating newer design techniques found in the new standard HTML5 and CSS3.