Saturday, February 15, 2014

World War II is a touchy subject in Russia

SOCHI, Russia — The pageant of Russian history presented in the Olympic Opening Ceremonies passed over the Soviet victory in World War II to the consternation of more than a few patriots. But the war seems to be making the news these days more than ever nonetheless.

Russian sacrifices in the fight against the Nazis 70 years ago were stupendous, and feelings still run deep. Every family paid a price, and the war haunts everyday life here in a way that short-memory Americans would find startling. But there’s another side to its legacy: For decades after the war, Soviet leaders sought to reinforce their legitimacy by exploiting the memory of the titanic struggle.

And today the Russian government appears to be turning in the same direction.
Read the rest here.

Legislating and/or politicizing history is always a bad idea. That said, in the great drama that was the Second World War, the main actors were definitely Germany and the USSR. The United States and Great Britain were in basically supporting roles, at least in Europe from 1941.


Stephen said...

What a cannard! The Battle of Britain was well under way months and deaths before Hitler launched his invasion of Russia, his erstwhile ally. But for Britain, Hitler would have been able to focus on just the eastern front after mopping up the west in a very short, scary amount of time.
BS to the MAX!

John (Ad Orientem) said...

Sorry Stephen, I have to disagree with you. My respect for Britain's lone stand against Hitler after the fall of France until the invasion of the USSR (about 12 months) is enormous. But the Soviets lost close to 25 million fighting the Nazis. Britain suffered terribly from the bombing but posed no real threat on land and her casualties pale by comparison. Most of the heavy fighting was on the Eastern front along with the horrific casualties. Anglo-American operations were a distraction, not unimportant, but in the end it was the Reds who beat Hitler.

Stephen said...

Poland, the low countries, France and Britain were hit first, because Hitler did not at the time have to fear about his eastern flank, which was protected by this then allies, the Reds. In fact, Hitler and Stalin carved up eastern europe while Hitler focused on taking over western europe - except that the Brits stopped him. Which if they hadn't done, Hitler would have been free to double cross Stalin with all his might, rather than open up a second front in the East.
The death numbers piled up against the Reds, who were not prepared for Hitler's betrayal; but that he could not hurl the full might of the Wehrmacht against the Reds because Britain held on is the primary reason he lost the war.
If I were Russian, I'd be ticked off at Stalin for sleeping with the enemy more than the enemy himself.