He went into a very sudden system failure and passed a short while before 5 PM EST. I was not able to get back in time but my sisters and his closest friend were were with him. He received the last rites of the Catholic Church earlier today and had taken communion several times during the last week. The pain is very raw right now. Your prayers for the repose of the servant of God John are deeply appreciated.
I will be in mourning for the next forty days and little or no posting should be expected during that time frame.
Forgive Everyone for Everything
11 hours ago
God bless your father and you.
God bless.
You and he will be in my prayers, John.
Requiescat in pace
Memory Eternal.
Memory Eternal!
May his soul, and the souls of all the faithful departed, through the mercy of God rest in peace.
I'm sorry for your loss.
John (TennPaGa from the PP forum)
May the Lord bless him with the eternal sabbath rest; memory eternal.
My deepest condolences. May his Memory be Eternal.
Please accept my deepest sympathy and my prayers. May he rest in peace.
You and your family are in my prayers.
Requiem aeternam ei, Domine, et lux perpetua luceat ei.
May his memory be eternal!
Memory eternal! May e rest in peace.
Memory eternal.
May his soul be at rest. May your family be strengthened by God's grace.
Very sorry for your loss
I'm so sorry, John. May your father's memory be eternal!
May your father's memory be eternal. I'm so sorry for your loss John. May the Lord, through His Saints comfort you in this time.
Memory eternal.
Very sorry to learn of your father's passing, John. May he rest in peace.
Eternal Memory!
I'm so sorry. I just lost my mother on March 19. I grieve with you.
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