Wednesday, May 10, 2017

Cardinal Coccopalmerio: Anglican Holy Orders may not be invalid

Sigh. There is so much disturbing news coming out of Rome these days that I am consciously trying to ignore most of it. But I do think this is significant.


Ecgbert said...

Our Protestant country's media think Catholic doctrine's up for a vote, like in their denominations, or that high-ranking prelates can call all the shots. Cardinal Coccopalmerio's opinion is only that. To buy into Anglican orders is to believe that Catholicism and classical Protestantism are really the same. (And Eastern Orthodox think they are; the two sides of the evil Western coin: that neither we nor the Protestants really have orders or other sacraments for that matter.)

Deacon Nicholas said...

YFE, there you go again, asserting things about the Orthodox that are not true, even if a few Orthodox assert them.

Diakrisis said...

Just like a few Orthodox define their religion in contrast to the degenerate and benighted "West," YFE's Catholicism is defined by the Orthodoxy he abandoned, so he can't help sniping at it constantly.

Chris said...

The Francis effect at work yet again. HOw can they be possibly valid especially when these same bishops are using their authority to ordain women? That cannot just be ignored.

Patrick Sheridan said...

Anglican orders are just as valid as modern Roman ones. That is to say, absolutely null and totally void.