Monday, June 03, 2024

Back (sort of)

The most unpleasant road trip I can remember is over. What should have lasted three days turned into almost a week as I was stricken by a nasty case of what turned out to be Norovirus. For three full days I was flat on my back (when not dashing for the bathroom) in a Red Roof Inn off I 95 in a small town in Georgia. Thank God for the sympathetic staff at the hotel and the local urgent care clinic who, when I finally broke down and went, swiftly diagnosed the illness and hooked me up to an IV to help rehydrate me and mitigate the nausea. The illness has now passed but I am still extremely run down. I hope to catch up with the backlogged emails etc. over the next couple of days.


rick allen said...

There’s nothing worse than getting sick away from home. Glad you’re on the mend. Looking forward to your return—but no rush on our account.

Stephen said...

Stay away from the blended. Drink only single malt

John (Ad Orientem) said...

Indeed. Always single malt. A gentleman's drink.