Friday, November 26, 2010

Update on priest sacked for disobedience

The priest who was dismissed by Met. Philip for disobedience has entered communion with a schismatic group. Read the details here.

Note: This post has been modified. The original version referred to the priest as having been suspended for wearing a cassock. This was an error. See the comments for the correction.


123 said...

Correction needed here.

Fr. David Moretti was the priest who was dismissed for wearing a cassock.

Fr. Elias Yelovich was dismissed for disobedience - commenting on was the initial reason given, later expanded to include other issues - and he is the priest who has now entered the Milan Synod.

John (Ad Orientem) said...

Thanks for that catch. I will amend the title of the post.


Anonymous said...

Why would he have not attempted to join ROCOR or a canonical old-calendarist jurisdiction? I find this odd...