See the post at Eironikon.
Not quite the waste of time that the Anglican Catholic dialogue is but until/unless Rome signals a willingness to backtrack on Vatican I or radically "develop" its understanding of the decrees that emanated from it, there is no hope for restoration of communion. There are a host of other serious issues that will need to be addressed (the Filioque needs to go) but Vatican I as it is written is a show stopper. I know of not one Orthodox bishop in the world who would accept those decrees.
My personal view is that we should stick to collaboration on issues we can agree on like charity and combating the rising tide of radical secularism and Islam.
Christ’s Regard for Philanthropy
17 hours ago
The real test of whether Rome can become Orthodox is whether they can admit a Council and the Pope got something wrong, e.g., Vatican I.
It's no use attempting to find nuanced language to defend some sort of hermeneutic of continuity with RC views on papal infallibility, etc. as this simply proves the underlying ecclesiologies are different. Orthodox ecclesiology assumes patriarchs/bishops and even self-consciously ecumenical/universal councils have and will be wrong. This is not the RC view of the Pope and those ECs he proclaims to be such.
I agree. The most frustrating/dishonest thing about these consultations is the unwillingness to admit that Vatican I itself permits no compromise. It is either correct or it is not. Proposals for the Pope to operate in a way that would not exercise this Pastor Aeternus power to its full extent are no solution, even assuming good faith. This power is either plenary, or it isn't. Having dogmatized this power, the Catholics cannot now suggest that we re-unify on the basis of muddle without either being disingenuous or internally inconsistent. If the Pope really does not have infallibility or universal jurisdiction, then Vatican I is heresy and it must be clearly rejected as a precondition of any re-union. If, on the other hand, Vatican I is true, then these proposals to not exercise the power seem to me like deception and whatever re-union that could be achieved would not be a re-union in truth.
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