Friday, November 04, 2011

For those still predicting the 'imminent' reunion of Orthodoxy and Catholicism...

Read this over at Rorate Caeli.


Salaam said...

I have of course no idea about its 'imminence'. However, striving and working towards _proper_ reunion is something I think God wants us to do, regardless of what roadblocks appear on our paths.

Anonymous said...

From the comments:

"The "Orthodox", enablers of "rebaptism", "remarriage", and contraception"

The Anti-Gnostic said...

In my irrelevant opinion, we Orthodox have too much to tend in our own House before we can even begin to think about ecumenical dialogue.

Stephen said...

Too true. It's a pity the moderators of Rorate Caeli don't realize that none should throw stones, as we all live in glass houses. For example, check out