Almost all of the members of a conservative order of nuns that serve
the elderly in French nursing homes have announced that they have asked
to be released from their vows following attempts by the Vatican to
force them to alter their way of life and to “modernize” their order.
According to their lay supporters, the sisters have been accused of
engaging in “too much prayer” and concerns have been expressed that they
wear the guimpe, a traditional form of religious head covering used by
nuns that is no longer in vogue among the Church’s liberal elite. The
sisters say that they are accused of a “deviant authoritarianism,” of
being “too classical” in their thinking, and of being guilty of an
“immobilism” in their devotion to their institute’s charism.
A total of 34 of the 39 members of the the Little Sisters of Mary, Mother of the Redeemer say
they want to quit the order after a Vatican dicastery removed their
superior general and attempted to impose three “commissioners” on them
who were hostile towards their more traditional practices.
The three commissioners are led by a religious sister and theology
professor with a short haircut who does not wear a habit, one who
defends Amoris Laetitia and whom the sisters have said does not understand their religious charism.
The sisters say that their protests against the choice of
commissioners and their request that they receive someone else more
suited to their charism have fallen on deaf ears, leading them to the
conclusion that they could no longer carry out their vocation within
their institute.
“After having acquired the moral certainty throughout this year that
the reception of the apostolic commissioner within our Institute would
cause serious and certain harm, both regarding the understanding of the
charisma bequeathed by God to Mother Mary of the Cross, our Foundress,
and the way of living it, after many times proposing solutions of
appeasement without any answer ever having been given to us, after
consulting with authorized and competent persons, after having prayed
much and always with the desire to remain daughters of the Church,
wanting to remain faithful and obedient to the truth, it seemed to us
that we had no choice but to renounce our vows,” the sisters wrote in a
public statement issued on November 7 (PDF here).
“We are therefore 34 out of 39 Sisters who are members of the
Institute, who have asked to be relieved of our vows by the Dicastery
for Religious,” the sisters add. “We do not make this sacrifice lightly:
we desire to remain in full communion with the Church, but we cannot
indicate more clearly, nor more painfully, our impossibility, in
conscience, to obey what is imposed.”
Read the rest here.
Unbelievable. Those orchestrating the evils now convulsing the Roman Church are playing with a fire that does not go out.
Forgive Everyone for Everything
7 hours ago
Just... wow!
RCC: "Hey CofE! Hold my beer and watch this!"
It's the beginning of the end.
Out with rigidity! In with accompaniment! It is the age of sinodality! (No, that was not a typo)
Hmmm... I believe the original members of the group of Orthodox nuns who run the main orphanage in Guatemala had been Latin nuns before some dissastifaction caused them to seek and find the Church.
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