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One of the most prominent and vocal opponents is the Bishop of Limassol, Athanasios, who, in an interview a few days ago, called the Pope a “heretic” because of his willingness to reach out to the Orthodox.
Karloutsos and Biden
14 hours ago
Is it possible to find a really good article on it?
There is a discussion on this topic going on over here. http://eirenikon.wordpress.com/2010/05/20/cypriot-orthodox-archbishop-on-anti-catholic-protests/
I have withdrawn from it as I am not terribly sympathetic to the whole "ecumenical" thing. I rather think it is a waste of time. But you can read the original comments from the metropolitan over there.
No he calls Pope B16 a heretic because he believes and preaches things the Orthodox Church condemns (aka "heresies"). The message will still be the same, "I love you. Obey me." This kumbaya "you're ok, I'm ok, we're all ok" ethos may be the zeitgeist in the Roman/Protestant sect, but it's something Orthodox Christians resist. We can no more accept Papal Supremacy/Infallibility, Immaculate Conception etc more more than we could pray to Vishnu.
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