His Appearing in the Liturgy
11 hours ago
is the blog of an Orthodox Christian and is published under the spiritual patronage of St. John of San Francisco. Topics likely to be discussed include matters relating to Orthodoxy as well as other religious confessions, politics, economics, social issues, current events or anything else which interests me. © 2006-2025
I wonder if either one of them actually believe in God. Since Scandanavia is primarily atheistic. Thanks to protestantism and secularism.
I don't know about their religious beliefs. But they, or at least he, is a social heretic. Wearing white tie before six? I suppose this is what happens when you marry below your station. Really, Queen Victoria must be spinning in her grave.
The Crownprincess Victorias' mother - Queen Silvia - is an open believer, and just a couple of months ago published a somewhat ecumenical (christian) prayerbook (fotographs by His Majesty, King Carl-Gustaf). Silvia's uncle was an austrian bishop (I don't remember if he was catholic or lutheran). The King, in his speech which he yesterday gave to the newlyweds, said "May the good God be mercyfull towards you".
Crownprincess Victorias younger brother has cooperated with a low church (belonging to the Church of Sweden) with a project a couple of years ago.
Prince Daniel in his speech to his wife, the Crowprincess, yesterday at least quoted scripture.
All members of the royal family belong to the Church of Sweden, which they have to, according to law. When asked if they wanted to change the law, they said they wanted it to be as it is.
Perhaps their faith is not the faith of a newly awakened pentecostal, but they certainly are NOT atheist, neither are they liberals or any if that sort.
Concerning the white tie, one can on Wikipedia read for example that: "In Finland, Norway and Sweden many weddings are white tie as is the Nobel Prize ceremony and dinner occasions with the head-of-state." If there had been something improper about his dress, it would not have been allowed, I believe.
Speaking of Queen Victoria, her last living great grandchild took part in the wedding ceremony and the dinner afterwards - Carl Johan Bernadotte (a Swede). As a baby he played with the children of the Tsar!
More on him here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Carl_Johan_Bernadotte
My understanding, derived from my acquaintance with Oxford Movement Anglicans, is that the Church of Sweden is a component of the Branch Theory.
The Church of Sweden is in full communion with The Episcopal Organization. Does anything more need to be said?
No (to the last).
Yeh they also allow for female lesbian so-called bishops. Like I said in my post. Do they really believe in God?.
Robert; the royal family is not responsible for what the Government during the last century imposed on the Church. They are quite conservative, and - compared to the often quite scandalous royalties of the continent - noble. As I said in my post above, they are believers. But they are forbidden by law to be involved in politics (and up until 2000, the Church was under the authority of the parliament; in other words "religion" and "politics" was back then related issues). And they have always kept a low profile.
Many years indeed to H.R.H. Princess Victoria and H.R.H. Prince Daniel.
it's unfortunate to tie the royal couple to the more un-orthodox beliefs of the Church of Sweden and the Anglican Communion. it's like blaming a lay Catholic for the abuse scandals in the RCC or an OCA member for the shenanigans of Metropolitan Herman.
seriously, to ask if they believe in God, simply because they are Swedes and/or members of the Church of Sweden is rude and uncharitable. i know many anglicans/lutherans/protestants of all stripes who are more serious followers of Christ than most Orthodox i know. in particular, they do not assume to judge the hearts of their fellow man by mere earthly associations.
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