Friday, October 26, 2018

People today use the word "poverty" too casually.

This is poverty.


123 said...

So, the only "real poverty" is abject poverty, destitution? Otherwise, quit your whining snowflakes, you should be thankful you have shoes. See how caring we are today?

The Anti-Gnostic said...

After food, water and shelter, charity is just subsidizing poor choices.

123 said...

Murica! The Gospel According to Mises and Rand So much for, "there but for the grace of God go I."

The Anti-Gnostic said...

A stunning thing has occurred in your lifetime: all but the truly poverty-stricken enjoy more material comforts than our very Lord on Earth. In other words, the modern poor have the sins of the Biblical rich, and this trend shows every sign of continuing.

We've got a problem all right, but not the one that you think we do.

unreconstructed rebel said...

Right. Go to any "sheltering the homeless" week at any church in the city & count the number of smart phones that emerge from under the covers at lights out. I will happily give you $20 for any that do not possess such.

123 said...

Why are there so many Nones? Hmm, I have no idea, no one has any idea.