...as to just how bad things have gotten with dissident Roman Catholic nuns and their supporters, this should settle the matter.
HT: The Crescat
Yea, I am Orthodox, so that means I have some issues with the Catholic Church, though of course I don't pretend to be Roman Catholic. But that aside Benedict XVI is the best thing to hit Rome in centuries. My fear is that it will take decades to clean house over there. May God grant him many many years!
Christ’s Regard for Philanthropy
3 hours ago
I got to about 6 1/2 minutes and had to stop before my blood pressure peaked. (Keeping in mind I couldn't watch the whole thing) I am glad this priest has a backbone and is educated. When the generation that includes these post-menopausal fruitcakes passes on, there should be some decent people all through the ranks of the Catholic church. Lord have mercy.
Oh, I love at the very end, the priest asks what parish the particularly mouthy lady is from, and what does she say? She says she's from a "home church." After 18 minutes, it comes out she's not even Catholic. Brilliant.
Honestly I had figured out that she wasn't Catholic by the 3 minute mark. The last bit was almost redundant.
As a convert to Roman Catholicism, I will never understand the self-hating Catholics. Why would somebody remain a part of an institution that they so greatly detest? Then again, I do say this as a convert who doesn't have the cultural ties of say an Irish or Italian Catholic.
Does Orthodoxy have these issues?
In general and with the caveat that I'm painting with a broad brush I'd say no, we don't have the same problem. Sure there are people who disagree with Church teachings. But usually they keep that to themselves and just go through the motions or quietly drop out. On rare occasions they may formally defect to some non-Orthodox sect. But it is rare in the extreme for Orthodox to openly challenge church teaching or discipline while claiming to remain in the Church.
I think there are a couple of big reasons for this. The first one being cultural. Open defiance of church authority is really considered un-Greek/Russian/Serb etc. and it is severely frowned on by those groups and families. So whatever your opinions may be, if they don't conform you keep it to yourself. The second main reason is that our bishops tend to be much less tolerant of dissent than their Latin counterparts. If you stand up and announce that you are forming a pro-abortion and or pro-homosexual lobby of concerned "Orthodox" laymen/women I can all but guarantee you will find yourself excommunicated in a New York minute. Most of our bishops come from a monastic background. And they tend to be both highly conservative and intolerant of overt challenges to their authority.
Not saying you won't find the odd exception. Like I said, I'm painting with a broad brush here. But any exceptions are definitely not the norm.
There's another reason - the cost of entry is higher in the Orthodox church from an investment of personal time. The number, type, frequency and length of liturgical services is so much greater, that to be a "pseudo-Orthodox" you really have to endure stuff you don't want to do and hear much, much more than you might care to. So you weed yourself out, or don't stick around consistently enough to gain any credibility among folks. And this dynamic holds true in any human organization.
My husband pointed out that if you go to the Youtube page for the video, the comments are hilarious and cheering. Glad to see younger generation Catholics aren't putting up with this kind of mess. I wonder if, had this "revolution" of conservative youth happened when I was younger would I still be Catholic...? Interesting thought. But I'm grateful to be in the Orthodox Church and not questioning how I got here.
If you didn't figure out they weren't Catholic by the 7:00 mark or so, it was easy to spot once they started complaining about the use of gold for communion vessels......
Would is clear is that the lady wants to talk and has no ability to listen. Ever taught a class where you had a student like that. Empty wagons always make the most noise.
I've already watched this multiple times, and I'm very proud of this priest for defending the Faith and doing it so patiently. As a Catholic, I really hope that men like him will be leading the Church in the years to come.
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