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Could someone please explain why our [Episcopal] church is openly promoting, supporting and celebrating sin?
Bruce responds...
Yes, I will explain it to you. Sin is in the eye of the beholder. What
you view as sin, others view as beauty. I am not a homosexual, but I
believe that the same God that made me and others heterosexual made
other people homosexual. I think it is counter-intuitive to think that
ideas of 3,500 years ago should still be followed today. The fact that a
tribe of Hebrews wrote a book 3,500 years ago encapsulating their
history and philosophy does not compel us to follow all their ideas as
though they were cast in concret for all time. Hopefully we have
learned something in the passage of time. We have learned that slavery
is ignoble. We have learned that women need not be subservient to men.
We have learned that black people are equal to and indeed no different
from white people. At leat many of us have learned this. Now we have
learned that certain people, about 5%, are born with same-sex
orientation. It is not a life style they choose, any more than a person
chooses to be born black or hispanic or asian. If Jesus stands for
anything, he stands for the proposition that we should love one another,
and “by this all men shall know that you are my disciples, by the love
you have for one another.” So I suggest that you quit casting stones
unless you are that rara avis the person without sin. Homosexuals are
not committing sin. They are doing what is natural for them to do by
reason of the way God made them. Okay?
From here.
The Gospel Preached to the Patriarch Abraham
17 hours ago
Well that's certainly hilarious.
If sin is in the eye of the beholder, what's stopping me from consider myself without sin? In such case, shouldn't I be allowed to cast stones left, right, and center?
Hmmm, I guess then the beauty of shacking up with the woman other than my wife is okay. Good to know.
Moral relativism par excellence.
Proof that sin addles minds.
So THAT'S why people get up on Sundays to go to an Episcopal church service! To be told everything they want is right. All you ever have to eat is candy.
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